Tutorials from Elektronika Praktyczna [PL]
Videotutorial are ilustrations for series of articles published in Elektronika Praktyczna since December 2019. Films are recorded in Polish.
4. Encoder
Incremental encoder is very popular device. Here we create module that counts its impulses.
5. UART Tx
UART is common communication interface. We start with easier part: sending data to PC.
7. PWM
PWM - pulse width modulation is common technic to generate analog control with digital effector. We will use it to control LED brightness.
8. NCO
Numerically-controlled oscillator is a digital signal generator. In our case it will create sinus function. We will use it to generate audio signal via PWM module.
9. ADC
ADC - analog to digital converter measure analog signal and privide it numeric value. Here we learn how to use ADC module from Intel Max10 FPGA.
10. SignalTap
SignalTap is tool that allows to look inside FPGA. It create logic analyser that store signals and send them over JTAG to PC.
11. Sound card
We connect microphone to ADC. Then recorded data is send to PC over UART.
12. FFT
FFT - fast fourier transform is an algorithm that calculate Fourier transform in nlogn time. In repository there are two implementation: pipelined and intertive. Both are connected to microphone. Amplitude of each frequency is displayed on LEDs.
13. VGA
VGA is analog video inteerface. For Rysino we create an graphic card that support 640x480 8-colors pixels.
14. PONG
PONG is clasical computer game. And it is easy to implement on FPGA. Enjoy!
15. Render alphanumeric terminal
Rendering alphanumeric terminal on VGA screen. Font is taken from UEFI project.